This stage was dedicated to an upcoming album, which is the most anticipated project ever coming from Travis Scott. Artists like Kanye West and the legendary producer Mike Dean are heavily involved in this piece. It will most likely also feature surprise artists like Tame Impala and Stevie Wonder.
It took me a very long time to decide what will be the main subject of this composition. The title “Astroworld” relates to an amusement park in Houston, which Travis Scott attended as a kid. It was then closed and became an inspiration for his new album title.
Firstly, I was planning to make an image of a planet and a rollercoaster going through it. One of the possible looks of it was suggested by my tutor – he mentioned a logo used in the game titled Planet Coaster:
When I was coming to the final stages of planning, I came across two images together – a space rocket about to be launched and the actual Astroworld rollercoaster. I liked how similar the metal installations looked and decided to put them together as one model. To have a good reference, I quickly put these two photos together in Photoshop, to then open it in C4D:
The theme park side of the model was quite time consuming. I was trying to find a way to simply repeat the pattern of the metal bars and somehow make the rails a boundary, where it stops. Eventually, I just did it manually, by making the rails a simple sweep consisting of a pen tool-made spline and a circle as the shape.
I then moved onto connecting the space rocket structure with the rollercoaster. It is a combination of simple shapes, but I also used the cloner effector, which made the process much quicker and more precise.
The last stage was making an actual rocket. For this part, I once again used the Turbosquid model as a reference. To be more specific – it is a prototype of a NASA rocket. The whole model meant to convey the aesthetic of either a monument or a figure, not too detailed (not to differ from the simplistic aesthetic of other models).
Finally, I rendered the object as a plain model in the Studio Box plugin.