Reference photos + how much of the artists I will model

Two of the tasks given by my tutor related to finding good reference images for my composition and deciding on how much of the artists I’m going to model. I have decided to only focus on their heads, as modeling the rest of the body could be too time consuming considering the level of the detail that I want to apply to my work. I will also work on objects and features surrounding the head.

I also really liked the concepts applied to materials related to Travis Scott. The eagle is the interactive part of his website, which the user can rotate around. Travis’ head made of a rock-like material was used in the article mentioned in one of my previous posts. It had a big impact on the direction of my project.

Zrzut ekranu 2017-11-13 o 16.49.05 Zrzut ekranu 2017-11-13 o 16.47.07

In terms of reference photos, I had to find frontal and profile ones which would present the artist with similar hair style (they change a lot) and neutral facial expressions. In the end, the models won’t be photo realistic versions of them, and more likely relate to low-poly structures above, which gives me a bit of a creative freedom and won’t force to follow the reference images in a great detail.

tyler1 tyler2 asaprocky2 asaprocky1 Kendrick2 Kendrick1 trav1 trav2

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